Why Choose All-natural and Organic Skin Care?

Why Choose All-natural and Organic Skin Care?

Every day we make choices about the food that we decide to put in our body.  Even then, we know that our body works to absorb the nutrients and flush out the harmful toxins.  But what about our skin?  When we put something on our skin, up to 60% is absorbed and may enter the bloodstream, which then gets circulated throughout your entire body causing build up over time.  So, it’s not only important for our overall health what we put IN our body but also what we put ON it!

Many conventional skin care products contain harsh chemicals that not only have negative effects on the overall health of your skin, but they can also be very irritating. Non-organic skin care products contain synthetic, man-made or highly processed ingredients such as sodium laurel sulfate, parabens, and others that could be toxic. Studies have also found that they can contain petroleum, parabens, and other chemicals that, with long term use, can cause skin irritation, hormone imbalance, organ toxicity, and even cancer.

Using all-natural and organic skin care ensures that your body is absorbing nourishing, essential vitamins and minerals that will naturally soothe, moisturize, maintain balance, and promote a younger natural glow.  Moreover, up to 95% of an organic skin care product's contents are active ingredients, whereas synthetic skin care products make up 5 to 10% of its contents.  With a higher concentration of active ingredients absorbed, the results will be longer lasting and easier to maintain.  

But the cost, you say?  While the cost of organic products may initially be higher, in the long run, they will cost you significantly less.  The all-natural ingredients are designed to replenish and lock in the moisture while creating a protective barrier, keeping your skin nourished and hydrated longer.  While synthetic products contain chemicals that will deplete the natural moisture resulting in additional applications needed.  Also, over time you may find that you are able to reduce the number of products used for maintaining a healthy skin care routine. 

So start your all-natural, organic skincare routine today and expect radiant, glowing, and flawless skin in no time while adding to your overall health and wellness!!

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